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    "Clever planning of your interpreting assignment - your optimal profit"

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Which languages are important for your event?

Find out which languages your speakers know and want to speak and which languages your audience understands. This is decisive for choosing the ideal interpreting mode and the number of interpreters required.

Examples to illustrate:

At your event, a speaker speaks to a multilingual audience. You will therefore need interpretation services from the speaker's language into the languages of the audience. 

If the audience asks questions, you also need translation in the other direction, i.e. from the languages of the audience into the language of the speaker. 

Does this seem very complicated? Just ask us! We will be happy to advise you.

How many interpreters do you need?

The number of interpreters used depends on the number of languages and language directions. Interpreters usually work in teams and take turns. As a rule of thumb, you can count on 2 interpreters per target language. 


At your conference the speakers speak English, German, Russian and Italian and these languages are also offered to the audience. We recommend simultaneous interpreting with three booths and a total of six interpreters. 

Agenda and interpreters

Length of meetings

In principle, assignments in Vienna are defined as half days (up to four hours including breaks), full days (up to eight hours including breaks) or short assignments (up to one hour). For events outside Vienna, only full days are charged.

If the respective assignment lengths are exceeded, overtime will be incurred and charged for each hour begun.

The timing of your event can be decisive in determining how many interpreters need to be deployed. In order to ensure consistent quality, interpreters also require sufficient rest periods for very long event days.

Please inform us from the outset if you are planning parallel sessions (break-outs), as additional interpreters will have to be recruited.

Clever planning

Do you need interpreters on every conference day? Or are there days in between when you do not need interpreting? Please bear in mind that for assignments where interpreters have to travel separately, "standing days" have to be paid. In this case, it is therefore more economical to plan the interpreting in one piece.

Many events begin with an evening reception or dinner where no interpretation is required. Make sure to make this clear when you are making your request and communicating the dates. 

We would be happy to help you plan your interpreting assignment as economically as possible and thus help you with your conference budget. 


The number of interpreters required is largely determined by the structure of your event. Contact us as early as possible and together we will find the optimal solution. 

Send us the preliminary agenda and schedule with your request. This will allow us to identify the most rational deployment structure and avoid double occupancy. This also applies to the provision of conference technology. 

The agenda shows at a glance whether overtime can be expected. This provides an overview of the expected intensity of the assignment. 

Availability of interpreters for specific languages 

The availability of interpreters depends on the date of the event and the respective language combination. Professional conference interpreters are also rare in common languages and there are always peaks in workload due to a large number of events taking place simultaneously. Moreover, not all languages are available locally. Thanks to our market strength, experience and large network, you can be sure that we will never leave you speechless, but this may mean recruiting team members from abroad - and therefore higher costs for you. So plan and book in time, we will be happy to advise you.


If all your interpreters are available locally, you only pay the respective daily rates for events in Vienna. However, if travel is necessary, travel expenses, overnight stays, meals for the interpreters and possibly travel time allowances will also be charged. Even in these cases, however, it is still possible to keep costs to a minimum. Please contact us in good time, we will be happy to advise you.